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Sep 20, 2019

This week it’s an all-western Canada edition of the Construction Record podcast with Journal of Commerce staff writer Russell Hixson and digital media editor Warren Frey looking at some of the recent stories they’ve covered. Russell has a story online about Belle Construction, a female-run and operated firm that was...

Sep 10, 2019

This week we’re remembering the life and legacy of Brian Martin, who was the editor and publisher of the Journal of Commerce for many years and who sadly passed away on August 30th. Martin not only put his stamp on western Canada’s construction newspaper and defined its future path, he was also one of the founders...

Sep 6, 2019

Former Journal of Commerce reporter, editor and publisher Brian Martin passed away on August 30th, and we're putting together a special episode to remember him and his accomplishments which we'll release on Monday. In the meantime. here's the articles we're running to pay tribute to Brian's life and career.