Jul 12, 2019
This episode of the Construction Record podcast takes stock of the biggest stories of the year that we’ve seen developing up until this summer at both the Daily Commercial News and the Journal of Commerce.
National managing editor Vince Versace looks at the top stories on the Daily Commercial News side, such as President Trump’s steel tariffs which had a big effect on Ontario’s steel and construction industries, the two sides of the Bill 66 which deems public bodies such as municipalities as ‘non construction employees.’ The sheet metal, plumbers and steamfitters unions decision to strike also had a significant impact on current projects.
Next, digital media editor Warren Frey and staff writer Russell Hixson examine the top stories from the Journal of Commerce, including the ongoing back and forth on the Trans Mountain file, controversy surrounding the B.C. government’s use of community benefits agreements, implementation of the rarely used Westray bill covering penalties for workplace health and safety violations, and municipal ‘blacklisting’.
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